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Online casinos: Product-oriented vs Customer-focused

Casino operators at the stage of pre-launch are focused on their games, their brand and product’s features. These new gaming startups are completely product-oriented. You can rarely see glimpse of customer-focused strategies before customer base has already grown and it did not realize expected potential.

Research recently conducted by Deloitte and Touche found that companies that are customer-focused are 60% more profitable than companies that are focused on their product. In casino-slash-entertainment-slash-service industry this number is even higher.

Focusing on a customer will play instrumental role in staying ahead of your competition in the online gambling business. In simpler words, you just cannot be product-oriented when there are 10 000 other online casinos with the same product as you. Also, difference in quality of online gambling products between industry’s leaders and just spawned game studios became almost invisible during past years.

Your customer will move to your competitor in no time if he feels uncomfortable and you don’t address his issue, because the worst thing that can happen to him there is the same problem he faced with your brand. It is not about the product or service you sell. The true value of your business is your consumer’s problem that you resolve.
