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Why online gambling business will stay afloat during the pandemic period

COVID-19 continues to bring its destructive losses to the world, affecting almost all areas, businesses, and enterprises. There is, perhaps, not a single business that would double its profit and not be affected at least minimally. Businesses located on the Internet and having established sales processes via the Internet, for example, delivery of certain products and goods, lost the least losses.

The gaming business did not escape unharmed and also suffered great losses, especially the entire land-based business area. In connection with the pandemic, all land-based casinos have been closed and any crowding was prohibited, which directly affected the income of large casinos. Already in the first half of the year, the ground-based gambling sphere has experienced an unprecedented decline and if the trend continues, then the losses will continue in the second half of the year. However, not everyone in the gaming industry is suffering losses, the online gambling industry is experiencing growth and new opportunities to attract players to the online environment. 1Click Games will tell you more about this in this article, as well as explain the facts, and why now is the time to transfer your business online.

The new life of virtual sports

Due to the fact that COVID-19 has had a strong impact on all areas, it has especially affected sports. Thus, removing the opportunity for the betting industry to continue their business, as usual, using all sporting events. All major players in the sports industry have taken a temporary timeout, such as the NBA, the National Hockey League, football tournaments and even the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games will be rescheduled for next year and should be held no later than the summer of 2021. It would seem that there is no sport left that could at least somehow save the situation but there is a way out - virtual sport is experiencing a real upsurge.

Why virtual sport has become a real lifesaver, can be read here. If you own a sportsbook, then 1Click Games offers the option of integrating virtual sports or transforming your sportsbook to attract new users. Learn more about 1Click Bet sportsbook software here.

Most requested casino products in 2020

There are also products in the gambling industry that are not influenced by external factors, which is undoubtedly a big plus when comparing them with the same sports betting industry. It's about a white label casino. Looking at the statistics of 1Click Games, the number of requests to your casino has increased over the past month, and there are several reasons for this. Check out the 1Click Games' white label casino software here.

The casino consists of a lot of different games, that can operate automatically. Slot games - are programmed games with a huge amount of winning combinations, that are operated with the help of a random number generator. There is no influence of the outside world on these games, and so it continues to work and delight players with new wins.

Live dealer games - imitation of land casino games with the help of a dealer. Among the most popular games are poker, roulette, blackjack, and baccarat. Players simply love these games, in addition to winning, there is communication with the dealer and even a chat in which they can maintain a conversation in these games. There are also automatic games that occur without the participation of a dealer, and players communicate directly with a computer, most often there is an automated roulette.

The redirection of land-based business to online

The real salvation for the land business at the moment is the transition of their customers online. While all casino ground points are closed, there is a chance of keeping the clientele online, and after the COVID-19 expires and retreats, it will go to a whole new level altogether, with both land and online casinos. You can read about why this is a profitable solution at the moment here.

Responsible gaming in priority

During all the efforts to save the business and new opportunities, given that a large number of players go to an online casino every day, do not forget about responsible gaming rules. Especially in this difficult time, you need to take responsible gaming even more seriously.

If you are the owner of an online casino, you need to inform the players as often as possible about the risks that they may incur and that it is necessary to manage their funds and review the amounts that they invest in deposits. Gambling is part of the entertainment industry and is not a source of income or a way to make money, so it is worth reminding players as often as possible. You can use the tools from 1Click Games as ways of keeping players safe.


Staying in your business during this period is a difficult task for many companies, but 1Click Games offers solutions that may save your casino, so feel free to explore our available products and request a quote if you want to receive your own casino in a few days or upgrade your existing business. 1Click Games – the solution that clicks!
